Some families choose to bury their beloved pets at home. We offer a complementary burial bag that they can be buried in. While it is not predator-proof or waterproof, it can be placed in the ground directly or inside a vessel of your choice for burial. Just ask one of our technicians and we would be happy to supply one for you.
If requested, we will make an imprint of your pet’s paw in moldable clay. The clay paw prints are baked to harden as a permanent keepsake. Their name is placed above, below, or on either side of their paw print.
The fur jars are decorated according to your request. Everything is customized from the color your pet’s name is written in to the design on the jar itself if requested.
There is also an option for a customized keychain that will have a small glass charm with fur inside. The tassel will match the ink color (as much as possible) on the jar of fur if both are requested. If your pet’s name is longer than 4-5 letters, their first initial will be used instead with a heart and/or paw print stamp.
(The shape of the charm may vary)