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Annual Pre-Visit Questionnaire
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Pet Information
Pet's Name
What food does your pet eat?
Please list the brand(s) and amount
Is your pet on any medication(s)/supplement(s)? If so, please list the medication/supplement, dose, and frequency.
Fear Free Questions
We want to make your pet’s veterinary experience as enjoyable and as stress-free as possible.
Check any situations listed below that your pet has shown avoidance or dislike of in the past. You can add additional comments at the end.
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Getting in their carrier or the car
Entering the veterinary hospital
Being approached by veterinary staff
Getting on the scale for a weight
Being put up on the table for examination
Loud voices during examination
Having a rectal temperature taken
Having direct eye contact with the technician and/or veterinarian
The use of instruments such as the stethoscope or otoscope (to look in the ears)
None of the above
How would you describe your pet around other animals and people?
Does your pet have any sensitive areas that s/he does not like to have touched by you or others?
Are there any procedures your pet has not liked having performed at the veterinary hospital in the past or that seemed difficult for you or the staff to do? (nail trims, weight, temperature, ear exam, blood draw) if so, how did your pet react?
What are your pet’s favorite treats? (Please bring some to your next visit with us):
Does your pet like to play with toys? If so, what kinds?
Has your pet ever been prescribed any supplements or medications to help with a visit to the veterinary hospital? If so, what was it and what sort of results did your experience?
Anything else you would like us to know about your pet?
About Us
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Wellness and Vaccinations
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Anesthesia and Patient Monitoring
Exotic Pet Medicine and Surgery
End of Life Services
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Pet Food Recalls
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